
Friday, September 15, 2017

Week 4

This week, we learned many nursery rhymes. We made a Humpty Dumpty craft that is hanging in our hallway and we put many of the rhymes into our poetry notebook.

We continued learning about the 5 senses this week in science. We had a lot of fun exploring the sound jars and tasting different items (bitter, sour, salty and sweet). 

We are working on our numbers from 6-10 in math. Students need to be able to make sets, count objects, identify the number and number word. They also need to know what comes before and after each number. We will continue our numbers from 6-10 next week too.

We are learning how to add detail to pictures. We learned how to make people and add background. We learned how to label objects by stretching out words. Some students are even writing sentences. We are continuing to learn sounds from the alphabet. Our sight words this week were "me" and "we".

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